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Hailing from a conveniently vague location in Staffordshire, Doomsday Sun are a group of musicians who serve as a warning of things to come; the collapse of society and the struggle to survive in the wasteland that remains.

But how do they warn others of this depressing fate? By contacting local news networks? By taking out an ad in the parish council magazine? No; through the medium of Heavy Metal.

So their doomed audience can enjoy sludgy, riff-laden songs with progressive elements, all sung by a man with an angry voice. Should they catch the band live, they’ll see a rigorously-rehearsed, carefully-planned set, which features the band in costume, a slice of enjoyably hammy acting and a chance for serious crowd participation thanks to the many ridiculous props the band bring to each show. 

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Name: Matt Hudson
Instrument: Guitars & Lead Vocals
Favourite Food: Sarcasm

Raised in a small town that may not actually exist, Matt was primed for a life of cow-watching until his 18th birthday, when he received an ancient Gibson SG that had been passed down through many generations of Matt Hudsons. After getting an unspecified body part caught in a toilet seat and subsequently developing his vocal style, the seeds were planted for Doomsday Sun to grow.

Matt spends a lot of time devising new problems for the band to make things "more interesting", before journeying across the country with his bandmates. He's been joined by some fine musicians over the years, absolutely none of which are held hostage, we promise.

Name: Tom Hubball
Instrument: Drums & Backing Vocals
Native Language: Blast-beats

On their way to a gig one day, Doomsday Sun became lost in an otherwise fertile forest. Whilst there, they followed the sound of music coming from far away to find Tom, the mastermind of Living Monstrosity, having lost his bandmates and being forced to play every instrument by himself, all-at-once. To prevent him from getting sweatier and taking off even more clothes, Doomsday Sun offered him the position of drummer and the rest is history.

In addition to drums and vocals, Tom also provides "moral guidance" to the group. Preventing Rich from killing, Matt from causing riots and Jake from falling through other people's furniture. It's a thankless task, but someone has to do it.


Name: R.T.A Oakes
Instrument: Bass & Backing Vocals
Signature Move: “The Bastard Trick"™

Rich has killed people. That is to say, he was a soldier in the Great Britain Revolutionists, until during one fateful battle at an abandoned nightclub, a lighting fixture came loose and knocked him clean out. Forced to retire from active duty, and suffering PTSD (because, ironically "Wham" were still somehow playing from the jukebox) Rich chose to take up the bass guitar to ensure constant employment from roving wasteland bands.

After fifteen years of it, Rich has proved far more resilient than most bassists, and has not yet succumbed to disease, soviet-era equipment or been sold into slavery. We hope for many more hazard-free years with him in Doomsday Sun.

Name: Jake Dangerous

Instrument: Guitars

Hailing from: The Ether

A former professional wrestler, Jake was thrown through so many tables that he both forgot his birth name and became addicted to painkillers. Like anyone addled by substances, it was only a matter of time until he stumbled upon some old "High On Fire" records and fancied learning guitar. In early 2123, he was found by Doomsday Sun as they scoured Stoke in search of another guitarist, but did not resist capture as the band assured him that steel chairs were, and still are, legal on stage.