MATT'S JOURNAL: 08/06/23

The following is an excerpt from Matt Hudson’s journal during Doomsday Sun’s stay at Poppyfields Recovery Resort in Leicestershire, 24/06-27/06/2122.


I awoke this morning to be greeted by the sight of an unfamiliar ceiling, and as I glanced around from my supine position, I saw that it was not just the ceiling that was unfamiliar, but the entire room. In my daze, questions formed; "Where was I?", "How did I get here?", "Why am I wearing a Hawaiian shirt?" But it was this lurid orange garment that jolted my memory into catching up with my surroundings; I was on holiday. In fact, the entire band was.

Worn out from travelling, fighting, running and scrubbing down Tom every night, we'd checked into Poppyfields Recovery Resort; a hotel for burned-out band members. We were clearly too worn out to remember checking in itself, which is why my room still felt so unfamiliar. I looked around, to see that it was small, but effectively designed; the toilet was right next to the bed for convenience, and there was one small window adorned with iron bars that made me feel safe and secure. I can see myself enjoying a well-earned break here, and I'm excited to see what tomorrow brings!